Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

INRIA Associate Teams

  • Title: Reasoning about Aspect-oriented Programs and securIty in Distributed Systems

  • INRIA principal investigator: Jacques Noyé

  • International Partner:

    • Institution: University of Chile (Chile)

    • Laboratory: Computer Science Department

  • Duration: 2010 - 2012

  • See also: http://rapids.gforge.inria.fr/doku.php

  • While Aspect-Oriented Programming offers promising mechanisms for enhancing the modularity of software, this increased modularity raises new challenges for systematic reasoning. This project studies means to address fundamental and practical issues in understanding distributed aspect-oriented programs by focusing on the issue of security. To this end, the project tackles three complementary lines of work: 1. Designing a core calculus to model distributed aspect-oriented programming languages and reason about programs written in these languages. 2. Studying how aspects can be used to enforce security properties in a distributed system, based upon guarantees provided by the underlying aspect infrastructure. 3. Designing and developing languages, analyses and runtime systems for distributed aspects based on the proposed calculus, therefore enabling systematic reasoning about security. These lines of work are interconnected and confluent.

Visits of International Scientists

Invited Researchers and Professors
  • Prof. Awais Rashid (from Feb. until Mar. 2011)

    • Subject: Sustainable Software for a Sustainable World

    • Institution: Lancaster University, U.K.

    • Pays de la Loire regional chair in Computer Science at École des Mines de Nantes, 2009-2011

  • Dr. Paolo Anneda (Nov. 2011)

    • Subject: Optimization of the energy footprint of Cloud infrastructures

    • Institution: CRS4, Italie

    • LINA (CNRS) grant

  • Mohammad Mohammad Atiqul Haque (from Mar. until Jul. 2011)

    • Subject: Impact of dynamic VM scheduling in cloud platforms

    • Institution: Colorado State University (United States)

    • INRIA grant

  • Mauricio De Diana (from Mar. until Jul. 2011)

    • Subject: Federation of distributed file systems for grid and cloud architectures

    • Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

    • INRIA grant